Swiss Life Asset Managers is represented at several locations in Europe and is one of Europe’s leading institutional real estate investors and real estate investment managers.

Swiss Life Asset Managers builds on long-term and sustainable investments and supports clients in achieving their long-term investment objectives.

Swiss Life Asset Managers: What sets us apart

CHF 106.7

Swiss Life Asset Managers manages and administers real estate to the value of CHF 106.7 bn (CHF 85.4 bn in assets under management, CHF 21.2 bn in assets under administration) 

> 1800

> 1800 employees at 26 locations in the real estate area

> 130 years

> 130 years of successful investing in real estate

CHF 6.5 bn

Transaction volume of CHF 6.5 bn (average 2021, 2022, 2023) 

Firmengebäude Swiss Life mit Schriftzug und Logo

Our history

The real estate asset class is very important to Swiss Life Asset Managers. We hold it for the benefit of those insured with us. Due to its investment horizon and sustainable use, real estate is an excellent match for the long-term liabilities arising from our insurance business. We also offer our third-party clients investment solutions that we have already successfully implemented on our insurance balance sheet, thereby providing them with unique access to the European real estate market. This in the form of collective investment solutions, club deals and co-investments. This allows us to support our customers in achieving their long-term financial objectives.


Learn more about our responsible investment

Swiss Life Asset Managers

Further country-specific information

Swiss Life Asset Managers is a member of various sustainability initiatives. Communication via selected networks enables us to better understand the requirements and expectations of the company with regard to environmental and social issues and respond quicker to challenges and change.

About the initiative
Role of Swiss Life Asset Managers
Member since

INREV INREV is a non-profit association based in the Netherlands representing the interests of investors in the European market for non-listed real estate funds and the leading European platform for exchanging knowledge on non-listed real estate funds.
Member 2017

Global Real Estate Sustainability Bench­mark (GRESB)
GRESB is the leading assessment system for the measurement of sustainability performance of real estate funds and mandates.

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
The Principles for Responsible Investment are an investor initiative in partnership with the financial initiative of UNEP, the UN Environment Programme, and the UN Global Compact. They are intended to contribute to a more sustainable global financial system. The ten principles are voluntary and non-binding. Signatory

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) TCFD is an expert commission of the G20 nations that has issued recommendations for standardised corporate climate reporting. Its aim is for companies to publish climate-relevant data in their annual reports in addition to financial information.
Supporter and Swiss Life is reporting in accordance with these recommendations.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) CDP is an independent charitable organisation which performs the world’s most comprehensive survey of corporate information on climate change.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) GRI is an internationally recognised framework for transparent sustainability reporting. 
Swiss Life reports according to these standards.

Further information

  • Investment examples

    Swiss Life Asset Managers is a leading real estate investor with residential and commercial properties in attractive European locations

  • Selected Real Estate Strategies

    Swiss Life Asset Managers offers selected investment strategies for investments in various real estate asset classes

  • Asset classes

    Swiss Life Asset Managers invests in the office, residential, healthcare, logistics and commercial asset classes as well as retail and hotel

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